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How we work

Our goal is to open students’ eyes to a wide range of career possibilities and challenge them to think broadly and divergently about their future career options.


Many young people leave school without adequate careers education, unsure of what they want to do and how to enter the world of work.

With volunteers from business, we help students develop employability skills, careers awareness, motivation and ambition.

We bridge the gap between students and employers – helping schools to achieve their Gatsby Benchmarks, while helping businesses to raise their profile with young people, future-proof their future talent pipeline and support their communities

In-school events

We host a variety of careers awareness and employability skills events virtually, in schools, colleges and businesses across Cambridgeshire and neighbouring counties. Bringing together students with volunteers from the business community, these events are key to providing young people with the skills they need to succeed in the world of work.

Careers guidance

We offer one-to-one careers guidance sessions to young people in schools and virtually, to help them navigate their next steps in education or into employment.

Cambridge LaunchPad

Since 2016, we’ve managed STEM outreach programme Cambridge LaunchPad. Together with 26 industry partners, we run hands on STEM related project days with 29 schools.


We lead the UK team on a multinational project looking to embed 21st century skills into curriculum teaching and learning.


Apprenticeships allow employers to recruit and train young people with the necessary skills to succeed in their business and industry, which is particularly beneficial in sectors experiencing skills shortages.

Through Greater Cambridge Apprenticeships, in partnership with the GCP and CRC, we aim is to generate 420 new apprenticeships, both by supporting more businesses to create new apprenticeships and by supporting students who want to secure one.

We’re also an integral part of the Target Apprenticeships programme, both coordinating and delivering this programme with funding from the European Social Fund (ESF). The aim is to promote apprenticeships across the former Greater Cambridge Greater Peterborough LEP area.

Student using sign language

Apprenticeships allow employers to recruit and train young people with the necessary skills to succeed in their business and industry, which is particularly beneficial in sectors experiencing skills shortages.

Through Greater Cambridge Apprenticeships, in partnership with the GCP and CRC, we aim is to generate 420 new apprenticeships, both by supporting more businesses to create new apprenticeships and by supporting students who want to secure one.

We’re also an integral part of the Target Apprenticeships programme, both coordinating and delivering this programme with funding from the European Social Fund (ESF). The aim is to promote apprenticeships across the former Greater Cambridge Greater Peterborough LEP area.



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How can we help?

Register to volunteer

Thank you for choosing to become a volunteer with Form the Future! In order to join our volunteer community and get yourself involved in some of our events, please follow these steps:


  1. Click the button below and complete the Registration Form
  2. Upon receiving your completed form we will create a Volunteer Profile for you then send you log in details and information on how to sign up for volunteering opportunities
  3. You can then sign up for volunteering opportunities at your leisure!


Our goal is that all young people move successfully from education into employment. As a social enterprise, we are reliant on grants and corporate funding in order to work with the schools across Cambridgeshire. Even the smallest donation helps us to provide careers inspiration for every child. Click below to find out more about what your donation could do for young people in your community.