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Contact US

We would love to hear from you. Please complete the form below and we’ll come back to you as soon as we can.

Call: 01223 781296

Form the Future CIC
Future Business Centre
Kings Hedges Road
Cambridge CB4 2HY
Registered no. 09648854

Want to get involved?

As a social enterprise, we are reliant on grants and corporate funding in order to work with the schools across Cambridgeshire. Although our priority is to provide the highest quality learning experience for young people, we are mindful of the needs of the businesses who support us. We aim to provide them with a tangible return on investment: through our services we increase awareness of their brands among young people, helping them to attract future employees and close the skills gaps in specific job areas such as STEM. We are also able to provide staff training where needed. Please get in touch if you would like to discuss how you can contribute or you can donate via our Global Giving page.

Register to volunteer

Thank you for choosing to become a volunteer with Form the Future! In order to join our volunteer community and get yourself involved in some of our events, please follow these steps:


  1. Click the button below and complete the Registration Form
  2. Upon receiving your completed form we will create a Volunteer Profile for you then send you log in details and information on how to sign up for volunteering opportunities
  3. You can then sign up for volunteering opportunities at your leisure!


Our goal is that all young people move successfully from education into employment. As a social enterprise, we are reliant on grants and corporate funding in order to work with the schools across Cambridgeshire. Even the smallest donation helps us to provide careers inspiration for every child. Click below to find out more about what your donation could do for young people in your community.