Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Region of Learning
Form the Future is a delivery partner for the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Region of Learning project, which will run until December 2023 and allows Form the Future to provide FREE support to individuals on their journey into the world of work – both now, and at any point before the end of the project.
This means that participants don’t have to follow a linear journey through activity offered, and they can focus on activities that hold the most value for them, individually.
To be eligible for the free support, applicants must be:
- Aged between 15 and 24 at the time they complete the form.
- Living in Cambridgeshire/Peterborough Region.
- Young people requiring additional support and/or from disadvantaged backgrounds including those who are unemployed or have been or are eligible for pupil premium funding, have learning difficulties and/or disabilities, or at risk / suspected risk of dropping out of school and / or becoming NEET (not in education, employment or training).
Programme activities include:
- One-to-one careers guidance sessions with a Level 6 qualified Careers Development Professional.
- Employability skills support including CV writing, interview skills, application writing and support building a professional online profile via LinkedIn.
- Mentoring and coaching both general and specific e.g., positive workplace behaviour, wellbeing at work etc.
- Work experience support across a range of employment sectors and employers.
- Enterprise Day events focussed on self-employment, as well as referrals to six-month placement opportunities with Shift Momentum to develop entrepreneurial skills or develop a micro-business.
- Engagement with the new Digital Badging app – a digital passport designed to track and demonstrate an individual’s preparation for employment.
Applicants can enrol in the programme as individuals, through their schools or through third parties such as Job Centres, Local Authorities or other support centres.
For further information please send an email to: Alternatively, click here to fill in the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Region of Learning contact form.

The Region of Learning has been made possible by funding through the European Social Fund and works in partnership with the Cambridge City Council and Shift Momentum