Hilary is one of Form the Future’s Careers Development Professionals – who works with young people to discover and explore the options available at key points in their journey through education and into the world of work. Hilary is a relatively new member of our team, having joined this year – and we’re so pleased to have her with us. Read on to find out more about Hilary’s role.
Could you explain your current job role?
I am a Careers Development Professional, working with young people to explore their options at key transition points such as choosing GCSEs, post-16 and post-18 options.
What does a typical day look like for you?
A typical day would see me in school meeting with five or six young people for a 1-2-1 careers interview to discuss their future plans. After the meetings, I draw up an action plan for the young person, which summarises our discussion and outlines the possible next steps.
Could you tell me about your career path so far – how did you get to where you are?
I studied languages at university and initially trained as a teacher, but realised this wasn’t for me so I retrained as a careers adviser and, with a few gaps to have children and a period living abroad, have been doing this ever since!
What motivated you to want to work for Form the Future, and what do you enjoy about working here?
I think that the work that Form the Future does is invaluable, linking employers to students and schools through different events, and providing advice and guidance to young people planning their futures. It’s a very young and exciting company to work for.
What are some of the challenging aspects of your job role?
Time. There are never enough hours in the day!
When you were younger, what did you want to be? How has this changed as you’ve progressed in your career?
When I was at school I thought about being an interior designer or a cabin crew member, and then at university I thought about accountancy before deciding to train as a teacher! Eventually I found something I loved doing, but it took a while.
Where would you like your career to be in 5 years’ time?
I really enjoy my job and have only recently started here so I would be very happy continuing in this role.