Cambridge LaunchPad took Year 6 students from the Spinney Primary School and Cambridgeshire Home Educating Families to visit Qualcomm Technologies International, Ltd where they were led through a full day of activities by staff.
These visits allow students to gain experience in science and engineering roles available to them in the local technology sector.
Students were given a tour of the site, where they met with teams who make printed circuit boards and test different Bluetooth antennas and products.
Led by volunteers, students even got the chance to see inside the anechoic chamber, a room designed to completely absorb reflections of sound and electromagnetic waves, giving them the chance to see the real-life application of the work being done at Qualcomm Technologies International, Ltd.
In the afternoon teams each programmed a BBC micro:bit to create an interactive badge and a wire loop game, and were able to ask employee volunteers questions about their day-to-day tasks and what it’s like to work with wireless technology.
A student who attended the day said: “I really enjoyed finding out about the making of microchips and the coding!”
By providing students with a platform to meet inspirational role models currently working in the technology industry, Cambridge LaunchPad aims to encourage them to think about the possibilities available to them after they leave school.
During the day students were encouraged to develop skills that are needed throughout their education and future careers such as teamwork, communication, problem-solving and innovation. The students who best displayed their understanding of these skills were invited to attend the annual Cambridge LaunchPad award ceremony to be held at the end of the academic year.
Miss Stevens, Teacher at Spinney Primary School, said: “I think it is very useful for them to see a real workplace and a range of jobs like, HR Manager, Engineer and Marketing Manager.”