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Adults offered bespoke career guidance at Ely Job Centre

Form the Future started delivering one-to-one career guidance sessions in Ely in April thanks to funding from Greater Cambridgeshire Partnership Skills and the Region of Learning projects. The funding enables Form the Future to provide the right support over a long period of time to adults. This allows us to build a good working relationship, thereby understanding the person, and the barriers they may face, resulting in bespoke support for each individual. 

The delivery follows the success at both the Cambridge and Mildenhall Job Centres. Starting with monthly sessions, Form the Future and Ely Job Centre look forward to increasing to fortnightly sessions as well as delivering to other job centres across the region over the summer. 

The Greater Cambridge Partnership Skills and Apprentice Service (GCP) is funded by Greater Cambridge Partnership (partnership of Cambridge City Council, South Cambridgeshire District Council and Cambridgeshire County Council delivering a City Deal for greater Cambridge.) GCP is an economic development programme covering housing, transport, connectivity and skills. Regarding the latter, the goal is to produce a skilled workforce to support the local economy. The GCP is also eager to build an inclusive society and with Form the Future, in partnership with Cambridge Regional College and Region of Learning will prepare adults and young people to find opportunities in the local labour market and help them progress into employment.

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  2. Upon receiving your completed form we will create a Volunteer Profile for you then send you log in details and information on how to sign up for volunteering opportunities
  3. You can then sign up for volunteering opportunities at your leisure!


Our goal is that all young people move successfully from education into employment. As a social enterprise, we are reliant on grants and corporate funding in order to work with the schools across Cambridgeshire. Even the smallest donation helps us to provide careers inspiration for every child. Click below to find out more about what your donation could do for young people in your community.