Receiving your exam results is an important occasion, a celebration of achievements and moving on to new challenges. If you are unsure of your next steps, you may find it reassuring to explore the choices and alternatives available before the day, as there are plenty of options. Clare Hall, one of Form the Future’s Level 6 qualified Careers Development Professionals has put together the following FAQs to help you, or your young person, this summer.
When are results issued?
A Level Results: Thursday 18 August 2022
GCSE Results: Thursday 25th August 2022
Check with your school for specific arrangements. Usually, students will be able to collect their results from their school or college in the morning – you may be able to request to receive them by email instead.
What if they are not as expected?
Do not panic! Talk to staff at school and keep an open mind about all your choices, before deciding what to do next. Contact the College or University you have applied to and update them of your results and any extenuating circumstances to find out if they will offer you a place.
There will be an opportunity to retake GCSE English Language and Mathematics in November. Other subjects can be re-taken in the next summer exam series in 2023. You can request a review of marking, or a ‘remark’ through your school or college.
If your results are better than expected, you may want to apply for different courses. If there are still spaces available, Sixth Forms and Colleges will consider late applications – contact them directly or apply through MyChoice16 (online prospectus and application system). University courses can be found through Clearing (how uni’s and colleges fill any places they still have on their courses).
To revisit where your strengths, skills and preferences could lead to and inspire your next steps, you may like to complete a personality type quiz such as 16 Personalities.
Where can I find out more?
Here are some useful articles and links to help you manage and prepare for results days:
- BBC: How to manage results day 2022: six tips for parents
- National Careers Service: Explore your education and training choices
- UCAS: After you get your exam results
- Prospects: What to do on A Level results day 2022
Helplines: Sometimes, talking to someone independent and impartial can help you consider your options and how these relate to your individual circumstances.
- Form the Future: If you or your young person are unsure about next steps, our team of professional careers advisers are available to provide free, impartial advice and guidance on the different choices available including Post-16 and Post-18 options, skills, qualifications and subject choices and vocational learning routes including diplomas and apprenticeships. You can schedule a call to speak to a professionally qualified careers adviser if your young person needs guidance on their next step by emailing This support will be available for two weeks, Monday to Friday, from 18th August to 2nd September 2022.
- Department for Education has provided an exam results helpline: Telephone 0800 100 900
- UCAS Helpline is open from 16-30 August: Telephone 0800 100 900.
- National Careers Service: Telephone 0800 100 900