It’s time for some more Careers Insights with Cambridge Ahead!
This week we hear from Lawrence Morris, Policy and Programme Manager at Cambridge Ahead. Lawrence tells us about his passion for doing a job where he feels he is making a positive difference to real issues that affect everyone’s lives.
Working with Cambridge Ahead, he continues his mission as they bring together employers from across the Cambridge region who are all collectively interested in the success of the city, and making Cambridge a great place to live, work and learn.
Form the Future is delighted to support this project. We help young people find their route through education into employment, and what better way to do so than to showcase the world of career possibilities here on our doorstep in Cambridge. Information about the world of work, and the range of pathways and opportunities, strengthen young peoples’ capacity to make informed decisions and positive transitions. Ultimately, Form the Future is about inspiring and enabling young people to think about and plan their next step.
Cambridge Ahead is passionate about the importance of young people getting the best possible education about career opportunities available to them, and highlighting the various pathways they can take into work. In order to support this objective, raise career aspirations and broaden horizons for young people, Cambridge Ahead has produced this series of videos for use in schools and colleges across the region and beyond.